Securities, derivatives & Foreign Exchange

Kings Road offers a range of state of the art trading platforms that allow you to trade on multiple markets on different trading products across all the major exchanges around the world.

As a KRW customer you can:

  • Own shares in any ASX listed companies
  • Trade commodities such as Gold, Silver and Oil
  • Trade various Indices such as Dow Jones, ASX200, FTSE100
  • Access the 6 Trillion dollars a day market of the Foreign Exchange

The Kings Road FOREX and Futures trading algorithm, developed in-house, has been refined to generate trading signals of the highest-quality only.

With a solid track-record, proven over many years, and with returns well above market benchmarks, it offers our clients a truly astute investment vehicle – for both now and long into the future.

Clients are provided with a viable alternative investment that allows them to diversify their portfolio across from traditional avenues such as equities and property. A risk analysis minimises a client’s exposure to market downturns, volatility and overall investing risks.

Kings Road have a team of highly regarded professional traders that can help you trade in specialised markets. Contact us today to find out how we can get you on the road trading excellence.

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Need Help To Maximize Your Business?

Reach out to us today and get a complimentary business review and consultation.